Is dairy good for you?

Milk is very healthy. It gives us many different nutrients to help us stay strong and healthy. One of the most important nutrients in milk and other dairy products is calcium.

Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth. Milk is also a source of protein, which is needed for growth and development, especially in kids. Our bones do most of their growing between the ages of 10 -19 so it is important that kids get lots of dairy products to help keeps bones strong and healthy and prevent them from getting weaker as we get older.

Calcium is also good for our teeth. It protects our teeth when they are exposed to acids in the mouth ( like when we eat sweets).

We all know it is important to drink lots of water to help keep us hydrated. It is said that people should drink between 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to help concentration and memory. Milk helps keep us hydrated and also gives us lots of nutrients. Milk is also good to drink before or after exercise as it helps our muscles recover.

Some people feel bloated after drinking a glass of milk because their bodies cannot digest milk sugar (lactose). This is called lactose intolerance. However, these people do not have to avoid dairy products completely. Drinking a small bit of milk with our tea / coffee / breakfast cereal still gives us the nutrients we need to help us grow.

Kids should eat between 2 or 3 servings of dairy a day to help keep bones strong and healthy. One serving is a glass of milk / two slices of cheese/ on tub of yoghurt.

Do you think you eat/ drink enough dairy every day? Why not keep a diary to checkt. Write down what kinds of dairy products you eat each day for a week.